646f9e108c Ser Lev Arris wakes up in a hospital on the planet Crius and has no idea who he is and where he is coming from. He is told by a doctor that he had been frozen 10 or more years ago because he had a disease which was not curable then and that his starship crashed shortly before arriving at Crius star port. As he recovers in the hospital still without any memory he is hijacked by two men in dark uniforms and put in a starship where he looses consciousness. When he wakes up again, he finds himself to be on the planet Hermes. An adventure to find out about his roots begins… In this video game/interactive movie, you see the world through the eyes of Lev Arris. Arris wakes up in a hospital after surviving the crash of the space-ship Canera. He has partial amnesia and can&#39;t remember who he is or what he was doing on the ship. Suddenly, a group of assassins break in and try to kill him. Thus starts his quest to find out who he is and why folks are trying to kill him. Privateer 2 broken down into it&#39;s movie parts could, with better audio, have been a cult classic if it was made into a full movie. Visually, pure genius. The characters; vibrant and charismatic each in their own unique avenue of personal expression. The comedy and style of the movie combined with amazing acting, direction, cinematographywellthe natural interaction between the characters and the portrayed technology was genius…nothing less. The high quality of actors really showed their stripes; Jurgen Prochnow, Christopher Walkin, Clive Owen, David Warner, John Hurt…just to name a few of some of the most professionally respected actors in the world. If someone actually rescues that footage and makes a full movie out of this, not only would I watch that movie in the theater, I&#39;d buy the videowell…and you would find it in the &#39;cult classic&#39; area of your local video store. So I&#39;d give the movie portion of this production a 9.5 out of 10…it would have been a perfect 10 except the audio is a little sloppy.<br/><br/>The game portion of this production has a couple of really good points and a couple of really bad points. I like the idea of a lot of different styles of ships to choose from…each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Of course the more expensive the ship, generally speaking, the better it is likely going to be. The interface was incredible…very visually creative and appealing. The enemy pilots looked like they were cut and pasted together from old &#39;National Geographic&#39; magazines … really sloppy. They always said the same thing, which, after hearing it for the 300th time gets a little stale. The flight engine makes it look and feel like you are going quite slow, regardless of how fast it says you are going and can freely bounce off of most ships without any difficulties. It feels more like 3D bumper cars with guns than what I imagine space combat to be like.<br/><br/>It almost seems like this production was put together like a patchwork quilt made up of silk and burlap. privateer 2 is a dang good game, and definitely a worthy addition to any wing commander or space sim fan&#39;s collection. However, it is a bit too easy, and sometimes the dogfights can get a little boring.<br/><br/>Then again, after you have finished the main game you can continue playing onlongyou like. There are some fine actors involved and although some of the video is quite long and annoying, there are some great effects.<br/><br/>It isn&#39;t another wing commander game, but it is nonetheless fun and similar in many ways. So if you see it on the discount shelf of your local video game shop, snap it up and you should be pleasantly surprised.
Serciasire Admin replied
338 weeks ago